Skin Prick Test Allergens
Food Allergens
Common allergens are in bold print.
- Peanut
- Tree nuts: Brazil, cashew, hazel, almond, pistachio, walnut, chestnut, pecan. If coconut is suspected to be an allergen, please bring a fresh specimen.
- Hen's egg (processed and raw).
- Seeds: sesame, poppy and pine nut/seed.
- Kiwi (green only).
- Cows milk.
- Soya.
- Wheat.
- Fin fish (cod and tuna).
- Shellfish (shrimp, crab and prawn) - we have prawn, please bring a fresh specimen of others.
- Tomato.
- Strawberry.
- Beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas.
Common allergens are in bold print.
- Mould species (aspergillus, cladosporium, alternaria)
- Pollens (tree-mix, grass-mix, weed)
- Dust mite (DP and DF species)
- Selected pets (cat, dog, hamster, guinea-pig, rabbit, horse)
- Rare - perfumes, gymnastic hand dust...
Stinging Insects
- Bee, wasp and fire ant tests are usually performed by blood testing
Drug allergy
Drug testing is usually limited to blood testing and, when indicated, supervised challenges.
Oral Allergy Syndrone
If you have the Oral Allergy Syndrome please bring fresh specimens of apple, pear, cherry, celery and/or nectarine.